Protip 💡 use to finger to move around the animation and touch to interact with the cryptos☝️

If they love CryptoBitcoinNFTs Give em'

Why Crypto 🎁

The guys behind this website were and still are crypto enthusiasts, we saw friends over years struggling to find the right gift for people like us. They always stalled on Etsy or who knows where, looking for Bitcoin branded t-shirts, mugs and other apparel. All cool but at the end of the day we are crypto enthusiasts innit? So crypto is what we love and want

This is why we created this simple solution allowing people to get the perfect gift for your crypto head friend, but also your mom, fiancee, and also for the uncle that randomly pops out for Christmas

How it works❓

If you are the gifter


Pick the gift that fits your needs‍‍. NFTs & Crypto, Crypto only or our special packs


Create a seed phrase, add the receiver email and indicate the desired time to send the gift


We handle all the rest, security, shipping and creating the perfect bundle.

Who knew that gifting crypto was so easy?

How it works❓

If you received the gift

Be surprised

Open your inbox and find the emoji seed.


Make your best guesses and unlock your crypto vault.


Access you vault and enjoy it

Finally, Start balling about your amazing friends

Test the seed generator

Iframe embedded


Different tiers of gifts, same coolness

Crypto (BTC, ETH, and 50+ others)

Select the specific cryptos you want to let us build one for you


Crypto + NFTs

Select the preferred cryptos and select some NFTs from our featured collections.


Crypto (BTC, ETH, and 50+ others)

Select the specific cryptos you want to let us build one for you


Crypto + NFTs

Select the preferred cryptos and select some NFTs from our featured collections.


Crypto (BTC, ETH, and 50+ others)

Select the specific cryptos you want to let us build one for you


Crypto + NFTs

Select the preferred cryptos and select some NFTs from our featured collections.


Join CryptoGift V2 Waitlist!

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let's chat.





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